Developing My Online Teacher Persona

Today I decided to try to involve students in a big part of my life, exercise.


I am completely obsessed with my Fitbit and I thought that that would be a great way to connect with students. When I was in the Face-to-Face classroom I had a student that would ask me every day, “How many steps do you have today?” and we would compare our step count on our Fitbits. So I am going to try to connect with students virtually using the Fitbit app. I shared with them how they can download the app (they can just use the app, they don’t even have to have an actual Fitbit tracker), add me, and then join or start a competition.

I think that this is a great way to connect with students and share a big part of my life because it is promoting a healthy lifestyle and you can only see very basic personal information about a person. All they can really see is my first name, my step average, and any trophies I have received. We can also set up challenges that include 2-10 people on who can get the most steps in a week or weekend. I thought it would be fun to have these competitions and then (with permission) announce the winners on the weekly announcements.

I am very excited to see what comes of this new idea, and I hope I have a lot of students participate in this new way of connecting with one another.

***Update: I already had a student add me on Fitbit!***

This is the announcement I posted:

2 Comments on Developing My Online Teacher Persona

  1. Andrea McKay
    October 20, 2017 at 5:49 pm (7 years ago)

    Awesome idea, Lauren! I love this. Though I will admit — I am a Fitbit dropout! I’ll have to dust it off and see if I can up the stakes again. This chair is soooo comfy though . . .

    But seriously, this is such a fun way to connect with your students outside of the course shell! A fun and friendly way to nudge each other into healthy habits. 🙂

  2. Liz Conrad
    October 23, 2017 at 4:47 pm (7 years ago)

    That’s awesome! I don’t have a FitBit, but I often use New Years as a chance for students to share resolutions and keep each other accountable. Great idea!


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